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Natural sound

Founded in 1956, Widex, a leading hearing aid manufacturer, is dedicated to crafting the finest hearing aids for the most natural sound possible. Guided by their passion for natural sound, they prioritize leading audiological research, quality craftsmanship, intuitive design, and exceptional support. What truly sets Widex apart is their unique technology, constantly pushing boundaries to achieve sound so natural that hearing loss becomes forgettable – naturally perfect.


A future like no other

Collaborating closely with Quadric, we embarked on an exciting journey to redefine the Widex brand. Together, we’ve crafted guidelines to propel Widex into a premium market position. Departing from the industry norm of product-centric approaches, we’re shifting towards an aspirational, benefit-driven strategy. This strategic evolution aims to differentiate Widex from competitors and elevate its identity. With this move, Widex achieves a unique premium position in the market, setting new standards of excellence.

With this strategic move, Widex’s focus has been sharpened and its identity elevated. Ensuring alignment with guidelines across all touchpoints, Widex achieves a heightened sense of quality and attention to detail, setting the stage for unparalleled success in the future.

WIDEX banner image with logo and slogan by LOOP Associates WIDEX logo on positive background color by LOOP Associates
Natural sound

Founded in 1956, Widex, a leading hearing aid manufacturer, is dedicated to crafting the finest hearing aids for the most natural sound possible. Guided by their passion for natural sound, they prioritize leading audiological research, quality craftsmanship, intuitive design, and exceptional support. What truly sets Widex apart is their unique technology, constantly pushing boundaries to achieve sound so natural that hearing loss becomes forgettable – naturally perfect.


A future like no other

Collaborating closely with Quadric, we embarked on an exciting journey to redefine the Widex brand. Together, we’ve crafted guidelines to propel Widex into a premium market position. Departing from the industry norm of product-centric approaches, we’re shifting towards an aspirational, benefit-driven strategy. This strategic evolution aims to differentiate Widex from competitors and elevate its identity. With this move, Widex achieves a unique premium position in the market, setting new standards of excellence.

With this strategic move, Widex’s focus has been sharpened and its identity elevated. Ensuring alignment with guidelines across all touchpoints, Widex achieves a heightened sense of quality and attention to detail, setting the stage for unparalleled success in the future.

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